Interconnected Earth Systems

Curricular Highlights

  • Guiding Question: How does Earth sustain Life?
  • Theme: Interconnected Earth Systems
  • Grade: Grade 4
  • Categories: Science: Earth Systems

Enhance your learning experience!

This program can be delivered as:

In-School Field Trips

Description: Lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, oh my! Join our presenter on a trip through Earth’s systems and investigate how their interconnections sustain life on our planet! Dive into how water supports plants and animals on Earth and the responsibility we share in caring for this resource. Soar into the warmth and light of the Sun as you investigate how sunlight plays an important part in sustaining life on Earth. How do changes in one system affect or impact the other systems on Earth? Let’s find out together!

Format: Our experienced presenters deliver curriculum-based field trips right in your classroom.

Duration: 2 hours

Volunteers: 3

Teacher Provides: Pencils, Water & Paper Towels

Take Home:
3D Wooden Earth Systems Project

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The Teacher Package containing important classroom organization information and volunteer instructions will be emailed to you prior to your scheduled program.
Teacher's Pet Alberta Curriculum Canada Education Programs In-School Field Trip


$ 16.25

per student
(Minimum Fee $243.75)