Grade 1
My World
Make a jigsaw puzzle as you learn about communities you belong to!
Curricular Highlights
- Explorations: Discover different communities in Alberta. Create an individual community jigsaw puzzle. Learn about different groups and communities. Play a Rights and Responsibilities card game. Apply strategies for making group decisions to create a puppet play. Cross-curricular connections.
- Theme: My World
- Grade: 1
- Categories: Social Studies
Enhance your learning experience!
This program can be delivered as:
In-School Field Trips
Description: Play a rights and responsibilities card game. Write a postcard about an important landmark in your community. Create and present a decision making puppet play. This and much more, as Community Kate takes your students on an adventure to learn about their world.
Format: Our experienced presenters deliver curriculum-based field trips right in your classroom.
Duration: 2 hours
Volunteers: 3 recommended
Teacher Provides: N/A
Take Home:
Personalized jigsaw puzzle of the student’s communities/groups